Itoo Software ForestPack Pro 6.1.2 For 3ds Max 2015-2019 With Updated Libraries
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How to Use Itoo Software ForestPack Pro 6.1.2 for 3ds Max 2015-2019 with updated Libraries
Itoo Software ForestPack Pro 6.1.2 is a powerful scattering plugin for 3ds Max that allows you to create realistic and complex environments with ease. Whether you need to populate a forest, a city, a crowd, or any other large-scale scene, ForestPack Pro can help you achieve your goals.
In this article, we will show you how to use ForestPack Pro 6.1.2 for 3ds Max 2015-2019 with updated libraries to create stunning renders in a few simple steps.
Step 1: Install ForestPack Pro 6.1.2
To install ForestPack Pro 6.1.2, you need to download the plugin from the official website[^1^] and run the installer. Follow the instructions on the screen and choose the version of 3ds Max that you want to use. You don't need a license server anymore to activate the plugin.
Step 2: Load the updated libraries
ForestPack Pro comes with a built-in library browser that lets you access a large collection of individual models and ready-to-use presets[^3^]. To load the updated libraries, you need to go to Customize > Configure User Paths > External Files and add the path to the folder where you extracted the libraries. You can download the updated libraries from here[^2^].
Step 3: Create a surface and a distribution area
To start scattering objects with ForestPack Pro, you need to create a surface and a distribution area. The surface is the object that defines the elevation and orientation of the scattered items, while the distribution area is the object that defines the shape and size of the scatter region.
You can use any type of object as a surface or a distribution area, such as splines, meshes, particles, etc. For example, you can create a plane as a surface and a circle as a distribution area.
Step 4: Create a ForestPack object and assign models
To create a ForestPack object, go to Create > Geometry > iToo Software and choose Forest Pack Pro from the list. Then click and drag in the viewport to place the object in your scene.
To assign models to your ForestPack object, open the library browser by clicking on the icon next to the Geometry List parameter in the Modify panel. You can browse through different categories of models and presets, such as trees, plants, rocks, ground cover, etc. To add a model or a preset to your scatter, simply double-click on it or drag and drop it to the Geometry List.
Step 5: Assign a surface and a distribution area
To assign a surface and a distribution area to your ForestPack object, go to the Modify panel and switch to the Areas rollout. Here you can add different types of areas by clicking on their icons. To add a surface area, click on the Surface icon and then pick your surface object from the scene. To add a distribution area, click on one of the icons below it (such as Spline or Object) and then pick your distribution object from the scene.
Step 6: Adjust the distribution parameters
To adjust the distribution parameters of your ForestPack object, go to the Modify panel and switch to the Distribution rollout. Here you can control how many items are scattered per unit area (Density), how they are arranged (Pattern), how they are scaled (Scale), how they are rotated (Rotation), how they are aligned (Align), how they are colored (Color), and how they are affected by maps (Map).
You can also use different modes of distribution depending on your needs, such as Image mode (to use an image as a density map), Path mode (to follow a spline path), Reference mode (to copy another ForestPack object's distribution), or Particle mode (to use Particle Flow as a source).
Step 7: Render your scene
To render your scene with ForestPack Pro, you can use any renderer that supports instancing technology, such as V-Ray, Corona, Arnold, etc. ForestPack Pro has native shaders for these renderers that allow you to render scenes with 061ffe29dd